

Terry and I host "Meditation Sunday" from 10 am - 11:30 am. Suggested donation is $10. 50% of the proceeds will be donated to a local charity. Please RSVP to Michael or Terry if you are coming so we know how many to prepare for. Details and location are shared once you've registered. We take the first 20 minutes for a "check in" discussion, followed by a 30 minute guided meditation. The last 20 to 30 minutes are an open discussion with Michael often offering insights and messages to the group. If you're a novice or meditate regularly - please come. The power of community is palpable and connective.

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On the rare occasion that we’re not hosting Meditation Sunday, we’ll announce this in our weekly newsletter!

“Developing Your Intuition, with Michael Frontier”

Learn how to connect with and develop your Intuition, the most important connection you can have.  Through a variety of experiential exercises, lively discussions and thoughtful meditation techniques you'll learn to discern your own Intuitive voice and how to move forward from that place.  Life will make more sense and your purpose and passion will become clearer and easier to develop.  To know your purpose here connects you with your center.
Level 1


Level 2 (completion of Level 1 required)

Level 3 (completion of Levels 1 & 2 required)
Learn to master your Intuition or brush up on the skills you learned in Levels 1 & 2. 

The Master Class is an opportunity to come together with like minded individuals. You’ll connect with people who who are using their intuition daily for practical and professional advances. This class will focus heavily on group meditation and shared conversation. Expect to be elevated to your next level.

Master Class (completion of levels 1, 2 & 3)



“The Artist’s Way & Beyond” Class

Your life is your art and we are all here to create.  Whether an artist, attorney, stay-at-home parent or single adult, we are all here to live a fulfilling and creative life.  If you're feeling unsettled, bored or unsure of where you're going, it's time to take action, "leap and the net will appear". 

Based on the best-selling book "The Artist's Way".  This life changing 12 week class is co-facilitated by Terry Opalek & Michael Frontier.  Terry's Toffee and Michael's Clairvoyant/Intuitive work was born out of this powerful class, as is the work they do today.



“What’s Next!” The One Day Workshop

We guide you to the center of your Being to discover, recover, reconnect and if necessary, rebuild your foundational beliefs.  What do you believe to be true for you today?  We give you our best tools and techniques to connect with your Intuition and sense of Self, helping you to move forward into "What's Next!"™ from a place of authenticity and Self-awareness.  Co-facilitated by Terry Opalek & Michael Frontier.


“The Prosperous Heart” Class

Standing on the shoulders of “The Artist’s Way”, Terry & Michael guide you through this 12 week workshop that will redefine your relationship with abundance, prosperity and wealth, in all areas of your life. In other words, creating a life of “enough”. The etymology of the word "wealth" is well-being. You'll recover a sense of well-being as you come to know prosperity has very little to do with how much money you have in the bank.  You'll find a new relationship with Self and others as you redefine what's of "value" and "worth" to you.  Based on "The Prosperous Heart" by Julia Cameron.  


NEW The Artist’s Way & Beyond ~ Monthly Check-in

Those who've taken The Artist's Way & Beyond experienced positive changes, in part due to the weekly check-in.  

This is being offered on a trial basis as we monitor the attendance and progress.  

We want to support and encourage you to continue moving forward so come prepared to experience accountability and share your goals and progress.  Open to all who've done The Artist's Way workshop.

  • TBD

  • 7 - 9 pm

  • $20 per monthly check-in

  • register by contacting Michael or Terry

  • located in the Edgewater Community of Chicago (exact location shared once you've registered)